faircloth merlin.org
Latebreaking news on the legislative front:

It has come to the Foundation's attention that North Carolina's Republican Senator Lauch Faircloth will introduce legislation denying convicted sex offenders access to the Internet!

On behalf of actualized psychics around the globe, we congratulate Senator Faircloth for his progressive policies and vision. It is increasingly clear to us that use of the Internet, by any person, eventually leads to mental degradation and random crime.

Once again, however, we are dismayed at the proposed legislation's timidity. Sexual degenerates seem a strange group to protect. Most have been irremediably warped by exposure to the Internet's fields of psychic rupture, and electronic brain rot.

We suggest amendments to this bill, criminalizing Internet access by children, schoolteachers, police officials, women below the age of 70, susceptible minorities, political leaders, authors, musicians, indeed, all but trained psychics with power to resist the Internet's seductive wiles.

We are also concerned with this bill's lack of "teeth". Its provisions for punishment of Internet access by affected groups are quite vague. We advocate a mandatory minimum period of solitary confinement, not less than fifteen years for first offenses, with escalating punishment for repeat offenders.

Nonetheless, we congratulate Senator Faircloth on his courage and moral rectitude in the face of CIA obfuscation.

"Of small beginnings, great things are made."

Show the senator your support! If telepathic contact is beyond your reach, you are spending too much time on the Internet. Nevertheless, you may email him at senator@faircloth.senate.gov.

If you know of additional legislation of interest, please contact us at the address below.

merlin.org - Jul 10, 1998

copyright © 1999 the merlin foundation for psychic freedom, all rights reserved